
Warning: Your mind will soon be blown

Sunday, June 12, 2011

If only you knew...

I'm not lying.

You know, my whole life I have been the "spaz" or the "obnoxious kid" or the "smart kid" (That was in like 2nd grade, before I learned about video games). But would you like to know why???? 

Well, you see, I have this thing. Quite a few people have it actually. No, not herpes, depression. 

I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. Basically, I get these fits of sadness, or this surge of emotion, that I can't exactly control. They tried to make me go to rehab and I said no, no, no. Haha, actually, I dont think my parents really know. Actually, I told them one time, and they laughed at me and thought I said it for attention. The irony is that usually you shouldn't say that to someone who is depressed. 

So how have I dealt with it? By acting out. By being loud. By speaking my mind all the time. By making it so that YOU would never know. And if you don't know, now you know, nigga. Yes, that is two song references in case you were wondering.  

I feel really bad for other depressed people. I know how you all feel, trust me. I have contemplated suicide, many times in fact. Never had the courage to try it though, or to actually go through the motions. Know why? I have a cousin who killed himself. Do you know the pain that it makes you feel to think that maybe you could have done something? That maybe you should have talked to him more? 

This pain is something that I NEVER want ANYONE to feel. That's why I suppress the depression. I know I have it, so when I get this feeling, I just have to keep it down. You can't let it beat you. 

I'm not looking for any sympathy. In fact, this post is really directed for a few people. But I just want you all to know that that's who I am. I don't take pills, I don't have ADD, i'm not some crazy intellectual (I am actually, but thats not the point), i'm just a depressed kid. My parents used to think that I was a genius (146 IQ, thank you very much (which proves how bogus IQ is)), but it wasn't that. I have always been depressed and it has made me more observant. I'm a pretty wise kid actually. I could roll over and be depressed. But I am stronger than that. 

And as for my emotions? They go bonkers. My emotions are so intense, and can change so quickly. But this is just who I am.

I know that many people out there deal with this problem, but you have to be strong. If you aren't strong, it will beat you. And trust me, I KNOW it is not THAT easy. But please, people care about people, and taking your own life is not fun, for you or the ones that care. 

You are your own worst enemy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

I suppose I am a bit late with this, as it happened a long time ago (in blog time :P)

It was 10:30ish, I was playing video games and fox was going on in the background because I had been watching Family Guy (great show). When I heard that Obama was killed in the background, I looked up and could not believe what I saw. My first reaction was "Well damn, it's about time!" and the other was "Oh crap, what now?" followed by some tears.

I think that as a nation, we can rejoice in this victory. And I am just as happy as every guy. But something is bothering me: why is this becoming a political issue? Who cares if we murdered him? Maybe it was an assassination attempt but they didn't want to say that word? Regardless, I wanted to talk about a man near and dear to my heart.

President Bush got ALOT of shit for trying to track down Osama. And forget Iraq, let's look at Afghanistan. Bush was trying to cut the head off of the snake and put it to rest. Problem was, this snake was a bit slippery. So after 7 years of futile search, Obama was elected, and you can't tell me that Bush didn't shit his pants when he saw the news. I can see him now "WTF, Laura, get in here!" I feel bad for him. Bush will not get the credit for this, Obama will. But should Obama get the credit? He didn't do shit, the military was who killed Osama. And when you look at the history of this case, we knew where Bin Laden was for a year, and we had streaming intel during Bush's presidency. Bush did most of the dirty work, but Obama is going to get the credit. And then the son-of-a-gun goes on TV and says "I did this...I did that..." You NEVER take credit for something when you are the head of a group, you thank your subordinates. Im pretty sure Obama couldn't fire a gun let alone shoot Osama in the head.

I don't want to sound like I am making a non issue an issue. But please, Obama didn't do shit, it was the Military. Thank your boys overseas, not the man in the chair smokin Marlboro's and playing basketball.

P.S. Im a Republican if you haven't noticed yet.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Come on, you know this was coming.

If you know me, then you would know how much I love the United States of America. I would fall on a sword for this country. Being only 16, many would say this is a foolish thing and that I am just immature. Well I do not think so. Patriotism is not something that my dad drilled into my head, it is something that I just have in my bones.

I just got finished watching Saving Private Ryan for the first time; definetly a good film. In the final scene, I could not help but see myself fighting off the Krauts. Even in the first scene, with the landing in Normandy, I could see myself. There are alot of people who would never even think about dying for their country. There are alot of people who would not only never think about dying for their country, but there are alot of people who wouldnt think of even fighting for it. Some would fight against it! This pisses me off. You are lucky if you're reading this. You probably live in America, and thus, you are one of the luckiest people in the world. You are living in the best country on earth. Be thankful. Be prepared to defend it. Millions of men have fought and died for freedom, I would only be honored to join this group. 

Being that I plan on joining the military, I suppose I see the inherent good in a strong military. I see the good in dying for something bigger than yourself. I'm not saying that you have to die in order to be a patriot, but god dammit, don't disrespect your country. Patton did say that patriotism is not about dying for your country, but about making the other bastard die for his. You can disagree with it, but at the end of the day, we are Americans. We are the strongest people on earth. We are crusaders of democracy and freedom. We are the destroyers of tyranny. Sic Semper Tyranis. We have a burden as Americans, and I accept it graciously. 

So I am rambling, but I have a point. I feel like, because I take AP United States History, that I can talk about WW2. We have millions of men fight for freedom. Now, we have only...50,000? in Afghanistan. How can we fight an enemy with such low numbers? We need to start overwhelming those who want nothing more than your head on a stick. And to those who say "Oh, no war, only peace in the middle east!" Fuck that! These terrorists want to kill you. I'll take a damn knife and stab each one of 'em if I could (not all muslims, just the ones that want you and me dead)! Anyways, this country is seeing a decline in the desire to serve, and it shows. Nobody wants to fight for the Stars and Stripes anymore. So until we get our numbers up, we will never be as powerful as we could be. The American Spirit is unwavering and we take it onto the battlefield. We fight till the bitter end. We never quit. As long as I have a gun in my hand and an arm on my body, I will fight. Take it from my cold dead hands.

If you're reading this, think about it, and I mean really think, about all those who have fought and died for your safety. Some of these people the same age as you. Think about dying right now for this country. You will give up ALL you have and know. You will give up all your dreams, so that the dreams of others may live. Some people have done it, and did not think a second about it. Would you?

P.S. I have had a family fight and die in every single American War from the Revolution-Vietnam (lol, barely anyone died in the persian gulf). I suppose that it is in my genes to fight.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Pardon me, but this post will not be eloquently written, as it is pure emotion.

Something that bothers me is when Atheists say "Stop forcing your religion on me, accept our differences." But those same people say "How can you believe in a God when there is no proof? You are so irrational, it makes me laugh." It's called faith, asshole. For all you logical people out there, Descartes really helped me understand religion, and yes, despite the fact that he was a hardocre mathematician, he believed in God.

Descartes said that there are four possibilities with religion: you can believe and be correct, believe and be incorrect, not believe and be correct, or not believe and be incorrect. When I look at that phrase, I feel that logically, I should believe in God and here is why. If I believe in him and he exists, yay for me! I embraced God and learned alot and proved those atheists wrong! If I believe and God is NOT real, oh well, I was able to learn some things that helped me be a better person. If I do not believe and God does exist, I will feel like a fool. The only winning scenario for Atheists is if you do not believe and God does not exist, good for you, you were right the whole time. That is why I believe in God in the logical sense.

There is another reason, however, that I believe in the lord almighty. When I leave church every sunday after being an acolyte (yes, I am an altar boy and no, I have never been touched by someone besides God), there is a feeling in my body, a tingling sensation, that is unexplainable. I am sorry, but I get it in no other situation. This to me is a sign of God. It is his spirit filling up my body.

One thing that Atheists say is that they live better lives because they seize the day due to the fact that they feel it is their only life. Sure, that is a good way of looking at it, but I think of all my family that has died. And god damnit, i'll be damned if they are'nt waiting for me on the other side. I feel like there has to be a place where we go when we die. Think about it. You are seeing this screen right now, it is what you see. Why are'nt you seeing something else, why are you in YOUR body that you're in right now? This is the thing that gets me and I cannot explain why I am Hunter Garth and not somebody else. There is no randomness, you cannot get something out of nothing, it must be the work of the divine.

Lastly, a sart man once said to me "Atheism is the best way of thinking because we have our facts and we have proven them. The burden of producing proof now lies with the religious people." Well here is what I have to say about that. In order to prove science, you use science. In order to prove religion, we use miracles unexplainable by science. Tell me how people begin to speak in tongues at the sight of the bible? Tell me how the Shroud of Turin is so old, yet it contains the image of a man that could only be produced by a light source that is unavailable on earth, let alone in 1400A.D. (If you dont know what the Shroud of Turin is, look it up). Explain people like Mother Theresa! Science is not really fact because what if you view atoms with a different tool and our perspective on it is different? Evolution is just a theory that we tend to accept because it makes sense to us (I believe in it too). But there are things we have no explanation for, which is why I am Religious.

Explain to me how a cancer patient, when given only two weeks to live, prays to God everyday for a peacuful death. And a year later, recieving no other treatment because he was a lost cause, that patient is alive. That is the work of God.

I will wrap this up with these few words. Atheists say that believing in God is false hope, but so what. Many things in my life have been difficult and without the comfort of God, I do not know how I could have made it. How do Atheists deal with their problems? God is the only way I know how, and it is working pretty damn well.

BTW, for you Atheists who say that "Why would God allow genocide and war." To that I say it is sin. God is not perfect (As seen in the story of Noah's Ark, which I do not believe in literally, but it has very important meaning in it) and humans are not perfect either. Humans make mistakes. Besides, God would not want lucifer to be lonely, would he?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hip Hop

This is not about Chris Brown, this is about Hip Hop.

Many people think that Rap, Pop, and Hip Hop are all the same things. This pisses me off. Rap IS Hip Hop, not all Hip Hop is Rap. When I say this, people say "WTF Hunter, are you stupid, Chris Brown is Hip Hop, 50 cent is rap. Big Differece." Well moron, lets take a look at why you are wrong by examining REAL Hip Hop.

Afrika Bambaataa defined Hip Hop to be a lifestyle. Hip Hop is NOT just music, it is a whole group of people in a sense. He said that Hip Hop consists of four things: Rapping, DJing, sampling, and beatboxing. Back in the day, all hip hopers could do those four things. Now, we think 50 cent is hip hop. No, 50 is one of hip hop's murderers, but I will talk about that later.

Hip Hop is a dying scene. And people that say "Hunter, you are so stupid, how is it dying?!?!" Take a look at what people call hip hop. Does it fit the definition I previously gave? Do you thing Rihanna can beat box or cut it on the turntables? No, she is pop NOT hip hop. Just because you are black and you do pop does not make it hip hop. In fact, REAL hip hop doesnt exist anymore! Give me one artist still makeing popular music even comprable to the likes of Run D.M.C. Hell, tupac was not really hip hop, he was more just Rap. Rap is a part of hip hop, sure,  but just because you do rap doesnt make you a hip hoper. Hell, BMG does rap, he can beat box, he is more of a traditional hip hoper than Jay-Z!

I am getting off topic, but that is because im expressing all of my thoughts and locked up emotions on a topic that I am very passionate about. I love hip hop, but I HATE pop. Run DMC, Afrika Bambaataa, KRS-One, Boogie down productions, The Sugar Hill Gang, Dougie Fresh, Grandmaster Flash, Yound MC, Busy Bee, Kool Moe Dee, that shit is hip hop (BTW, u probably havent heard of half of them). 50 cent, eminem, Jay-Z, Waka, Gucci, that is not hip hop, that is just rap music (Im not sure if waka and gucci are even rap, it is more like horse shit). Trey Songz is not Hip Hop, he is pop. Same with Rihanna.

I just wished people would use the word hip hop sparingly. Make sure it is real hip hop before you call it hip hop. If it is just pop, dont call is a WHOLE lifestyle, call it pop. If it is rap, make sure god damnit that he is a real hip hoper, not just some phoney looking for money *cough* soulja boy *cough*.

I said earlier that 50 is the murderer of Hip Hop AND rap too. Look, real rap is rhyming words to a beat, talking about struggle OR talking about having fun (That is older, party rap). Ok, Gucci rhymes words to a beat. Well he sure as hell aint talkin about struggle. He aint talkin about partying the way he should. Meaning, how many old school hip hopers do you see rapping about weed and getting drunk. No, they were clean. 50 showed how you can make money with so called "Rap". He took a catchy beat and talked about mistreating women at the candy shop. NO REAL HIP HOPER DISREPECTED WOMEN OR TALKED ABOUT ROLLIN UP BLUNTS OR TALKED ABOUT SHOOTIN PEOPLE OR ABOUT THEIR "SWAG" AND THE 200GRAND ON THEIR WRIST! In fact, real Hip Hopers put women on a pedestal, rapped about NOT doing drugs, and about being thankful and giving back to the community. 50 made rap bullshit, because after him, every successful guy pretty much just did what he did.

BTW, I love rap music, but not fake shit. Marky Mark is more of Rap to me than Waka is. 




Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Pets are the greatest things ever.

There is something strange about pets. They aren't humans, yet we share the same love for them that we share towards other people (provided you dont listen to my theories in my other blog posts). Whether you have a cat, a dog, a hamster, a bunny rabbit, a squirrel, or a fish, there is an unwavering love for this animal. They begin to take on personalities in your head and you give them a voice that fits it. Then, when they are looking at you, you begin to converse with them, saying their lines in that made up voice. It's quite strange how they have such an effect on us.

I have three dogs (Boomer, 11, West Highland White Terrier, Maxamillion, 10, Scottish Terrier, Princess Annabelle III, 3, West Highland White Terrier) and they are like family to me. I would take a bullet for them, no lie. There is a strange bond I have formed with them that is unbreakable. You pet owners know what I am talking about. 

Being that I have attended 5 different schools, I have never really had close lifelong friends. I have never had a group of guys who I can call up and hang with. Sure, I have friends now, but not anyone I can call a best friend. My dogs have always been there for me. They have an unwavering love stronger than that which I have for them. I could have a bad day and there they were to cheer me up. My dogs have always and will always be my closest friends. I have told my dog Belle more about my life than you will ever know.

I let my dogs sleep with me. Think about it. We let them into our beds. There is my dog every morning at six o'clock to lick my face and wake me up. If only she knew about stride gum.  

My oldest dog, Boomer, has someting called Addison's disease. It is a condition where cists grow on his pancreas and it saps him of glucose that his body needs for energy. It is killing him. The steiroids he takes represses the cists and gives him energy, but they are too strong and are killing him too. I am getting teary eyed just typing this. He was in the hospital for two weeks and I prayed every night that he would survive, and he did. I cried my eyes out when I was walking him outside and he suddenly collapsed from a lack of glucose. I cried more over his sickness than I did when I watched the Titanic for the 4th time. The sickness of my dog caused emotional pain. It is remarkable that an animal can be so influential on your emitions.

Pets have had such a huge influence on my life and I do not know how I will feel when mine pass on to the next life. I do not want to think about it, but it will soon be a reality. My dogs are family, and that will never change.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why I Hate Justin Bieber!

Sure, girls are going to be mad at me for this, but let me give you a reason why we guys (and some rational girls) hate the little snot. 

I looked up "reasons to hate Justin Bieber" on google and I found a fan's list of the ten reasons why she LOVES him. 

1. He has a great voice
2. He is hot
3. He is gansta :D
4. He loves his fans
5. He is from Canada
6. He is only 15
7. He is very talented
8. He has awesome hair
9. He has beautiful eyes
10. He is awesome!!!!!!
Allow me to make you look stupid.
1. Bieber's voice is that of a ten year old with a crap load of overdubbing and autotuning. You ever heard him live? Yeah, its atrocious.
2. Sure, he is hot, if you are into 17 year olds that look 12.
3. First off, you spelled gangster wrong. Secondly, he is clearly not. He THINKS he is because he THINKS the wannabe gangstas like Usher like him. Yeah, they love all the money he is making them. He is not a gangsta. I would love to see him in a gun fight, or even just a reagular fight, with Al Capone. Now thats somehting worth spending your money on.
4. Yeah, he loves his fans, expecially how much money you make him.
5. I think being from Canada is a reason to NOT like him.
6. That was an old post so at the time he was 15. I suppose if you like to see a person with very little contribution to society make more money at age 15 than a hard working person trying to support a family while his kids listen to Justin Bieber, than thats a good thing for you.
7. He is talented? Many people are talented. He is just lucky.
8. Awesome hair? It looks like he hasnt showered in weeks and he just uses mouse to get his hair ready in the morning.
9. His eyes are shit brown.
10. Kindof redundant for you to say that.
A few more reasons.
He recieved a lamborghini AND a range rover for his 16th birthday. What 16 year old needs that? Oh wait, maybe he will go too fast in the lambo and die in a wreck! Actually, keep the lambo Bieber.
People say he is inspirational. I dont get it. Go to Walter Reid hospital, there is some inspiration. In case you dont know, it is a military hospital for wounded veterans.
People say he is SOOO good at drums. I saw a video of him playing drums and guitar and let me say that if he is so good at it, why doesnt he play THAT kind of music, not pop? Because he is a sell out and a little girl.
Don't worry America, Bieber will lose steam when he is 21 and he has a hairless ass and no hair on his dick and his voice hasnt changed.
BTW, I hate the guy because he is fake, not because he is successful. I live by the phrase "What would 2pac say?" He sure wouldnt make a song with Bieber, that is for sure.